Let’s Talk Lansdowne

Wed, October 11 from 7-9 pm Horticulture Building, Lansdowne Park Livestream: rogerstv.com/letstalklansdowne Event link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/lets-talk-lansdowne-tickets-727507152477?aff=ebdshpsearchautocomplete.  

Free seeds, soil & seedlings / graines, terreau et semances Gratuits

Community Resiliency Climate Dialog / Dialogue Communautaire sur la résilience climatique

Register for a community dialog about climate resiliency on May 30, 2023. Registration and info:

Beechwood and Hemlock Corridor Vision

The Beechwood Village Alliance (BVA) has authored a proposal for a framework for a secondary plan planning process for the Beechwood-Hemlock corridor. You can read the details here, and if you have any questions or comments get in touch with the MPCA by email.

Know Your Rights! New videos by the Centre for Resilience & Social Development (CRSD) / Connaissez vos droits! Nouvelles vidéos du CRSD

***La version française suit*** Know your rights! New videos by the Centre for Resilience & Social Development Did you know that young people have special rights protecting them at school and in the criminal justice system? The Centre for Resilience & Social Development (CRSD) has released a series of expert interviews to explain those rights, […]

Ottawa Police service areas

A new OPS Community Policing map shows sectors 25 and 32 which contain Manor Park. Each sector has a different community police contact.

Update on homelessness and shelter diversions

The following article was authored by Allan Martel, president of the Cardinal Glen Community Association. It will be printed in the November-December edition of the Manor Park Chronicle. As those of you following this project will remember, a Rapid Response Table (RRT) emerged from Housing Lab deliberations among members to include the City and the […]

Vote today!

Monday October 24th is voting day for City of Ottawa elections. To view the most recent leadership debate co-sponsored by the MPCA, click here (opens in a new tab).

All Candidates “Meet and Greet” / Tous les candidats et candidates rencontrer la communauté

Manor Park is joining forces with Rockcliffe Park, Lindenlea, New Edinburgh, Cardinal Glen and Overbrook (all of Ward 13) to hold an All Candidates “Meet and Greet” on Tuesday October 11 between 5:00 and 7:00 pm in the auditorium of the former Historica Centre on 1850 Gaspé in Manor Park. Candidates for Ward 13 City […]

September-October Chronicle with Election Coverage

Read the most recent copy of the Chronicle online right here.

Read the May-June Chronicle

The May-June edition of the Chronicle may have been delivered to your doorstep last weekend. The digital copy can be accessed right here.

Manor Park Community Garden at St. Columba – Apply today!

Do you live in or near Manor Park? Do you want to build community connections and have a space to grow vegetables in a brand-new community garden? The Manor Park Community Garden at St. Columba is now accepting applications of interested gardeners! The garden will be located behind St. Columba Anglican Church at 24 Sandridge […]

Final MPCA comments on Manor Park OPA

Why You Should NOT Approve This OPA The text speaks for itself. The document is the MPCA’s final comments on the OPA, submitted to the City of Ottawa.

Addressing Family Homelessness At The Neighbourhood Level

Read a draft report about methods to reduce family homelessness using neighbourhood-based approaches. Family Homelessness Challenge Brief Advisory Committee: Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre, Vanier Community Service Centre, Collective of Community Associations, City of Ottawa Housing Dept, University of Ottawa, Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health, Multi-Faith Housing Initiative, Eastern Ontario Landlord Organization, Catholic Centre for Immigrants, […]

Manor Park OPA presentation

Elizabeth McAllister presented the MPCA’s feedback on the OPA to the City’s Planning Committee. Read the presentation here: March 24th presentation.

March-April Chronicle is out!

You can access the latest edition of the chronicle here: mp-chronicle-mar-apr-22 Enjoy!

MPCA comments on Transportation Master Plan

The MPCA transportation and safety committee has prepared a comprehensive set of comments on the City’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP). This is an important position paper that will guide the MPCA’s activities on transportation and safety throughout the TMP process. Read the comments here: https://manorparkcommunity.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/20220202-mpca-comments-ottawa-transportation-plan-update.pdf

January-February Chronicle is out!

The current January-February 2022 issue of the Chronicle has been printed and you can read an electronic version right here.

Manor Park Community Benefits Agreement

Hosted by Rawlson King Event details When: January 13, 2022, 6pm-8pm Quand : 13 janvier 2022, 18h-20h You are invited to the Manor Park Community Benefits Agreement Town Hall. Vous êtes invité à l’hôtel de ville de l’Entente sur les avantages communautaires de Manor Park. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsd-Chrj8iHNSZ_7ykakbp-sRTN8fIPu-Q  After registering, you […]

November-December Chronicle is out!

The current November-December 2021 issue of the Chronicle has been printed and you can read an electronic version right here.

MPCA provides comments on Manor Park Estates Official Plan Amendment

On Friday the MPCA submitted its community-sourced feedback on the Manor Park Estates (MPE) Official Plan Amendment (OPA). The submission can be viewed here and we encourage all residents to read it and stay informed. If you have comments, please email us. The MPCA appreciates Manor Park Managements’ goodwill and Mr. Aggarwal’s willingness to engage […]

September-October Manor Park Chronicle

The latest edition is out and you can read it online here.

Councillor King releases Manor Park Estates OPA position paper

The Councillor’s office has released a position paper that describes requested changes to the OPA application. Read the full paper here.

MPCA final comments on Manor Park Estates OPA application D01-01-21-0003

The MPCA objects in the strongest possible terms to the unreasonable building heights with concomitant densities expected contained in the development application. While we support reasonable densification in pursuit of livelihood improvements, we cannot condone the rampant densification that will have a detrimental impact on the neighborhood and the community at large. Read the full […]

Gypsy Moth Call for Action

Request for immediate actions to help with the current infestation of gypsy moth caterpillars to save vulnerable trees in Manor Park Dear Mayor Watson and Councillor King, Many areas across the City of Ottawa are currently experiencing high-level infestations from gypsy moth caterpillars. In our neighbourhood of Manor Park there are numerous trees that are […]

Comments on Manor Park Estates Official Plan Amendment

Dear Neighbours, Attached are MPCA’s draft comments on the narrow but vital issues to be addressed by the City planners regarding the application for an Official Plan Amendment by Manor Park Management:  Height, Density, Parks and a “Social Contract” There are 41 new mid rises and high rises being proposed for our community of 8,000 people. Feel free […]

May-June Manor Park Chronicle

The latest edition is out and you can read it online right here.

Report on Manor Park Estates Redevelopment

Comments and Concerns from Manor Park Community The Manor Park Community Association would like to register its objections to the current proposal by Manor Park Estates for the redevelopment of Manor Park Heights and Manor Park – Gardens. After considerable discussion and engagement with the community, whom we have also encouraged to write directly to […]

MPCA Joins Alexandra Bridge Coalition

MPCA has joined the Alexandra Bridge Coalition, a group of heritage, transportation and community organizations that oppose the federal government’s plan to demolish the Alexandra Bridge and replace it with a new bridge. See https://heritageottawa.org/alexandra-bridge. From a broad perspective this proposal would remove an engineering and historical icon featured in many photographs of the parliamentary […]

The Kettle Island Bridge Committee

The MPCA has reconvened its Bridge Committee, which led the fight against the construction of a Kettle Island Bridge the last time the idea was pursued, a decade ago. Formed of community members with a broad range of experience, the aim of the Committee is to oppose the bridge that would funnel truck traffic down […]

Family Homelessness Lab Progress Report

When a family loses their home, it has significant impacts that can be multi generational. In June 2020 there were 350 Families in Ottawa who were experiencing homelessness. Approximately 50% are refugee or new immigrant Family and 50% are from Ottawa and have become homeless. New statistics will be reported in spring 2021. Homelessness is […]

Open Letter from the MPCA to Elected Representatives

Urgent Action Needed to Protect Children’s Active Transportation to Schools – Particularly In Manor Park 14 August 2020 Dear Mayor Watson, OCDSB, CEPEO and Honorable Representatives: We are writing to you with urgent concerns about the safety of children and youth travelling to and from school through the Manor Park neighbourhood this school year, starting […]

Manor Park Sustainability Series

We are launching a new Community Sustainability Series in Manor Park! 😍 This will be a 2-part workshop series in collaboration with the Ottawa Biosphere Eco-City (OBEC) and will take place online via Zoom on Thursday October 15th 7:30-9PM & Tuesday, October 27th 7:30-9PM. The first session will cover the themes of transportation, energy, design, food […]

Survey – Pont de l’île Kettle / Kettle Island Bridge

Consultation publique de la CCN sur le Plan intégré à long terme sur les liens interprovinciaux | NCC public consultation on the Long-term integrated interprovincial crossing plan Dans le cadre de l’étude du Plan intégré à long terme sur les liens interprovinciaux de la région de la capitale du Canada, la Commission de la Capitale […]

Pont de l’île Kettle / Kettle Island Bridge

MPCA virtual information session The MPCA hosted a virtual meeting concerning interprovincial transportation on October 25th. A video of the discussion is linked here and you can also view the slide deck. We encourage all residents to participate in the NCC survey which closes Monday Nov 2 at: https://ncc-ccn.questionpro.ca/a/TakeSurvey?tt=QMG%2BpfKEuBfUDsIDLwZUOg%3D%3D John Forsey Chair, MPCA Transportation and […]

Letter to the Mayor about Divesting Fossil Fuel Investments

Continuing the MPCA’s support for responsible environmental stewardship, President Elizabeth McAllister and Environmental Committee chair Eugenie Waters have written to the City requesting that investments in fossil fuels be divested. Read the full letter here.

Letter to the Mayor and Council about Ward Boundary Changes

President Elizabeth McAllister has written to the City expressing the MCPA’s position about planned ward boundary changes and the negative impacts they will have on Manor Park and our neighbouring communities. This is a real problem and you should read the full letter here.

Five-corner Intersection Design

Good news from the City – the five-corner intersection will be updated With support from Councillor King, the City has agreed to address the safety issues and poor design of the five way intersection where Ava, Eastbourne, Braemar come together. The project will start with project design in 2021 but will not likely be completed […]

March-April Chronicle

Read the latest version of the Manor Park Chronicle or browse the archive.

Comments on the Official Plan

Despite not having seen any R1 revisions or documentation, it would suggest that an area like Manor Park will be expected to transition from a largely single residential to low-rise form over the next two decades. How that will be managed or implemented is not yet clear, but presumably the zoning reviews will be forthcoming. […]

Manor Park Estates Survey // Sondage sur Manor Park Estates

The Manor Park Community Association would like to hear from you about the future redevelopment of Manor Park Estates. This survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. Please note that all responses are COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS. You may visit the project website at manorparkcommunity.ca to find out more. Click here for the survey! // L’Association communautaire […]

Community Meeting Recording

What will the new Official Plan mean for you? // Ce que le Plan officiel veut dire pour vous? The video of our community meeting can be watched and shared here. The presentation materials can be viewed here.

Janurary February Chronicle

Due to restrictions announced by the Ontario Government on January 12, the printed copy of this edition will be delayed. An update on print dates will be provided when the situation is more clear but it will not be before February 11, 2021. The current paper and all previous versions are available through our archive.

Official Plan Letter

The Community Collective of seven East-end Community Associations has provided feedback to the City of Ottawa on the draft Official Plan. You can read the letter and the Collective’s concerns here.

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