Manor Park Redevelopment

Please review the Draft Report on the development and continue to give us your feedback!


Manor Park Official Plan Review

Community Meeting

  1. Presentation 6 March 2021
  2. Draft Official Plan (November 2021)

Manor Park Re-Development

Big changes are coming to Manor Park!

Manor Park Estates (MPE) is planning the redevelopment of their properties along Brittany Road and St-Laurent Boulevard. This project would see the existing red brick townhouses gradually replaced by newer and higher density units. Whether you are a current tenant of these buildings or a resident of the surrounding community, the Manor Park Community Association (MPCA) would like to see that Manor Park Estates (MPE) include your housing needs and community improvement ideas in their plans.


Please take 5 minutes to tell us more in an anonymous survey!

For more information on the Manor Park Redevelopment:

Hear from the MPCA President (September 2020)

Overview from the Development Review Committee (September 2020)

Overview from the Developer (September 2020) and developer’s website


Ottawa Ward Boundary Review

Last year, the City of Ottawa initiated a process to review the Ward Boundaries to which the MPCA made submissions during the public consultation process. However, after the consultation process was finished, and shortly prior to submission to Council, the Ward Boundaries for Rideau-Rockcliffe were amended to exclude Cardinal Glen and the towers on St Laurent Bld from the Ward. Despite the objections of MPCA, Cardinal Glen and the two affected Ward Councillors (King and Fleury) to this last made change; and the compelling arguments put forth to retain the existing boundaries, the changed boundary was approved by Council.

The MPCA will continue to work for the benefit of all residents of Manor Park on issues of poverty reduction and social inclusion to the best of our ability, despite this regrettable decision.

For the latest news regarding the Ottawa Boundary Review


Ottawa R4 Zoning Review

The MPCA made significant oral and written submissions regarding the now approved R4 Zoning. MPCA was of the opinion that there was not sufficient evidence presented that the proposed R4 Zoning amendments will increase the supply of affordable housing in the city close to transport hubs. The MPCA is concerned that that the green spaces are not sufficiently protected/provided for in the proposed amendments, and finally that the small size of the typical apartments, especially in conjunction with the reduced greenspace protections, could significantly degrade the quality of the life for residents with the associated long-term impact.

However, the MPCA does support increasing densities near transport hubs and close to the city centre, improvments to building façade’s, reduced parking in favour of green space and to protecting green spaces from parking. The MPCA will continue to monitor the R4 development and fulfil our obligation to work cooperatively to ensure responsible community planning and development.

See the Councillor Kings statement on the R4 Zoning Review and more updates from the City of Ottawa.


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