Monday October 24th is voting day for City of Ottawa elections. To view the most recent leadership debate co-sponsored by the MPCA, click here (opens in a new tab).
Hosted by Rawlson King Event details When: January 13, 2022, 6pm-8pm Quand : 13 janvier 2022, 18h-20h You are invited to the Manor Park Community Benefits Agreement Town Hall. Vous êtes invité à [...]
Urgent Action Needed to Protect Children’s Active Transportation to Schools – Particularly In Manor Park 14 August 2020 Dear Mayor Watson, OCDSB, CEPEO and Honorable Representatives: [...]
Continuing the MPCA’s support for responsible environmental stewardship, President Elizabeth McAllister and Environmental Committee chair Eugenie Waters have written to the City requesting [...]
President Elizabeth McAllister has written to the City expressing the MCPA’s position about planned ward boundary changes and the negative impacts they will have on Manor Park and our [...]
Good news from the City – the five-corner intersection will be updated With support from Councillor King, the City has agreed to address the safety issues and poor design of the five way [...]