Terms of Reference
- Monitor developments regarding transportation that could have an impact on Manor Park residents
- Advocate for safe and efficient transportation within Manor Park and the National Capital Region as a whole
- Encourage measures that promote active and environmentally friendly modes of transportation (cycling, transit, walking)
- Encourage compliance with traffic bylaws, including speed limits and route limitations on through trucks
- Discourage use of residential streets as automobile commuter routes
- Promote measures to reduce crime within the community
- Encourage citizens to report incidents and concerns
- Track incidents to identify issues and problem areas
- Organize safety audits as appropriate
- In carrying out its work, members of the Committee participate in relevant public consultations and work in cooperation with:
- The Office of the Councillor for Rideau Rockcliffe
- City of Ottawa and NCC staff
- The Ottawa police and in particular the Community Police Officer
- Other community associations and volunteer groups with common interests