The Official Plan Amendment (OPA)

An Official Plan Amendment (OPA) has been filed to re-develop Manor Park Estates by Manor Park Estates management. This is a separate initiative from the Official Plan, but both will affect Manor Park residents.

The MPCA objects in the strongest possible terms to the unreasonable building heights with concomitant densities expected contained in the development application. While we support reasonable densification in pursuit of livelihood improvements, we cannot condone the rampant densification that will have a detrimental impact on the neighborhood and the community at large.


Assma Basalamah, OPA Cartoon,  2021

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Official Plan?

The City of Ottawa Official Plan provides a vision for the future growth of the city and a policy framework to guide the city’s physical development to the year 2031. It is a legal document that addresses matters of provincial interest defined by the Planning Act and the Provincial Policy Statement. It also serves as a basis for a wide range of municipal activities. These include the:

  • Assessment of applications for new development or redevelopment of land.
  • Planning for and approval of public works and infrastructure (such as roads, and parks)
  • Guidance to Comprehensive Zoning By-law and changes to zoning
  • Planning for new communities and existing areas undergoing change.
  • Preservation of natural systems and the wise use of resources
  • ​Consultation and soliciting opinions from the community

What is the OPA?

Manor Park Management have filed an application with the City of Ottawa for an Official Plan Amendment for the lands known as Manor Park Estates & Gardens. The developer’s website describes the plan in detail and can be reviewed here: Project – Vision Manor Park.

How Can I Get Involved?

Contact the MPCA by email at to ask us how you can stay informed or get involved.

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